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April 7, 2021 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Park City Museum and Friends of Ski Mountain Mining History will host a Zoom lecture called Shaft Sinking in the Park City District given by Professor Mike Nelson on Wednesday, April 7th from 5-6 p.m. Mountain Time. To register for the lecture please go https://parkcityhistory.org/event/shaft-sinking-zoom-lecture-given-by-mike-nelson/ or contact Diane Knispel at education@parkcityhistory.org.
The sinking of shafts began in antiquity. These vertical openings gave access from the surface to a mineral deposit. This presentation will consider the development of shaft sinking technology, and describe the history of shaft sinking in Park City mines through 1900.
Michael G. (Mike) Nelson is a professor of mining engineering at the University of Utah. He was Chair of the Department of Mining Engineering from 2008 to 2019. He was previously professor of mining engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He holds a B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering and an M.S. in applied physics, both from the University of Utah, and a Ph.D. in mining engineering from West Virginia University. Mike has worked for Kennecott Copper, Westinghouse Electric, Consolidation Coal, and EIMCO Process Equipment. Mike has holds nine patents in mining in mineral processing, He is co-author of the book, History of Flotation, and has contributed to many other technical books. He has given invited short courses in the U.S., Australia, Ecuador, and India, and has been an expert witness in the U.S. and Australia.
Mike’s dad, Tom Nelson, grew up in grew up in Wasatch and Summit County, and graduated from Park City High School in 1946. Tom’s dad, Carl, worked top car at the Silver King, and Tom worked weekends, holidays, and vacations at the Silver King while he was studying at B.Y.U. to become a high school band teacher.