In an era spanning the early 20th century, through depression ridden times and a dust bowl, one form of revelry thrived – the circus. Traveling from coast to coast, rail cars packed with canvas, exotic animal menageries, strongmen, fat ladies, and roustabouts brought a much needed relief to millions of Americans. Starting in April, visitors to the Tozer Gallery will be able to view the Park City Museum’s newest traveling exhibition, Step Right Up! Behind the Scenes of the Circus Big Top, 1890 – 1965, which explores another side of this thrilling spectacle and a history fraught with intrigue and majesty.
The exhibition is toured by ExhibitsUSA, a national program of Mid-America Arts Alliance. ExhibitsUSA sends more than 25 exhibitions on tour to more than 100 small- and mid-sized communities every year. Mid-America is the oldest nonprofit regional arts organization in the United States. More information is available at and