Presidents and the Park

1 Comment

  1. Sally Anderson

    With President Clinton in this photo is my mother, Lynn Anderson, who was the museum’s first-ever official director, in ca. 1983. She first accepted that role on a volunteer basis. When funds became available, she asked that another take the position, as she wasn’t in need of a salary, and I believe (could be wrong) the Marvelous Marianne Cone then became the director, transforming the museum into the rich, multi-layered historical museum it is today. Lynn stayed on with her “jobette,” as she called it, as a volunteer member of the Chamber of Commerce until a month before her passing in 2005. She just loved Park City and its residents, the museum, people in general, and being of use. On this particular day, a contingent of Secret Service members suddenly appeared near the entrance and asked her to clear the building to give a private tour for a special guest. You can see in her expression that Lynn not only appreciated handsome good looks, but also happened to be a Clinton supporter at a time when in Park City being an “out” Democrat was relatively rare. The celebration of Lynn’s life was actually held in the dungeons, with permits and everything … I kid you not. People came from far and wide to honor her and share stories about her. Against all odds, our wish to hold her remembrance there was granted, maybe for the first and last time. Many people are to thank whose names I won’t publish without their permission. We thought to request it because it was where the Chamber had held her 75th birthday breakfast, upon her request. My wonderful, fun, delightful and delightable mother. That’s who Bill Clinton had the luck to be standing beside. 🙂

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